A 3 Step Process for Good Organic SEO

One of the most overlooked website marketing practices to increase search ranking and performance is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). What tends to happen is people get so focused on all the other aspects of a website that they rarely spend time working on their content from an SEO standpoint. Having a couple of sentences on a page isn’t enough to impact your search performance when speaking with a search engine.

There are hundreds of thousands of websites with too much content, too little content, or wrong content on their website. So what kind of content should you have on your website to communicate and perform? Here is a 3 step process for good organic SEO for your content.

1 – Develop a Keyword / Search Term List

Spending some time discussing, researching, and developing a keyword/search term list for your content is essential. Researching search volume will help you determine if that keyword is worth using to write your content. You may find keywords you want to use don’t have enough search volume. This research will help you make thoughtful and strategic decisions when creating your website’s content.

White Label Marketing Via Your Phone |3 Step process for good organic SEO

2 – Create SEO Rich Content

Now that you have spent time determining quality keywords, it’s time to write content that will communicate effectively. In the past, SEO meant pasting your desired keyword as many times as possible on a particular page. This raised its relevancy. No longer. Google certainly rewards utilizing your keyword, but there are dozens of more elements to consider. Heading tags, image tags, image size and relevance, content length, website design, and more. Good SEO makes for a good website.

3 – Monitor Analytics

Once you have developed your keywords and written SEO-rich content, it’s time to measure. You can’t grow what you don’t measure. Install Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your website and review reports monthly, if not weekly. These two platforms will give you relevant data such as bounce rates, search positioning, and more. 

“SEO doesn’t happen once. It’s ongoing, so take in this data and make adjustments.”

Good, Long-Term Organic SEO

Repeating the 3 step process for good SEO will keep your website fresh and in an excellent state to keep pace with an ever-changing business landscape. If you reluctantly do this process only once, you will find its effectiveness fades over time.

The only way to stay up-to-date on your competition and customer behavior is to work smarter. Investing in ongoing SEO development is like the essential maintenance you do to your vehicle.

Don’t have time or the team to complete all or any of the tasks listed above? Studio490 can help you with them all.

Contact us today to start a conversation.