
Social Advertising

Target Your Audience

Right Audience?

Elevating Your Brand with Social Advertising

Social advertising is crucial for businesses aiming to increase visibility and connect with their target audience in the digital age. Studio490 specializes in crafting customized social advertising strategies, utilizing in-depth knowledge of digital footprints to ensure your ads reach the right people.

The Power of Good Social Advertising

  • Leveraging Digital Profiles: Utilize the rich data from online interactions to target ads effectively, ensuring they reach individuals interested in your offerings.
  • Beyond Organic Reach: Social advertising is essential to expand your audience and attract new leads. It goes beyond the limitations of organic reach.
  • Cost-Effective Campaigns: Achieve significant results without overspending. A strategic budget, coupled with effective landing pages, can drive success.
  • Patience Pays Off: Building a successful campaign takes time. It’s an investment in the right strategies, awaiting their fruitful outcomes.

Developing Your Social Advertising Strategy

  • Budgeting Wisely: Starting with a monthly budget of $100 to $500 per platform is advisable, though this can vary based on industry specifics.
  • Anticipating ROI: Three to six months is typically needed to see a return on investment as ads are refined and connections are strengthened.
  • Comprehensive Campaign Management: Studio490 handles all aspects of your campaign, from ad creation to audience targeting, focusing on goals like brand awareness, growth, or direct conversions.

Platform-Specific Approach

  • Varied Platforms for Diverse Audiences: Expertise in advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, tailoring campaigns to each platform’s audience.
  • Full-Service Offerings: Our services include campaign development, A/B testing, detailed reporting, and budget optimization, with a commitment period to ensure effectiveness.

Reporting and Analytics

  • Detailed Insights: Receive comprehensive reports with actionable insights and improvement suggestions, keeping your campaigns on track.
  • Google Ads Mastery: Benefit from our Google Certified expertise, offering complete Google Ads services, including campaign creation and strategic performance meetings.

Expand Your Campaign with Add-On Services

  • Enhanced Options: Boost your campaign with additional services like competitor analysis, landing page consultations, and creative elements.
  • Advanced Reporting and Tracking: Gain deeper insights with custom reports, heat map tracking, and specialized ad types.

Packages for Every Business


  • Campaign Goals
  • Discovery Meeting
  • Set Expectations
  • Determine Platforms
  • Discuss Ad Options
  • Visuals / Text
  • Create Audience
  • Campaign Cadence
  • A/B Testing
  • Monthly Ad Reports
  • Monthly Meeting
  • Add-Ons Available
  • 6-Mth Commitment


  • 1 Campaign
  • 2 Platforms
  • Discovery Meeting
  • Set Expectations
  • Determine Platforms
  • Discuss Ad Options
  • Two Visuals
  • Create Audience
  • Campaign Cadence
  • A/B Testing
  • Monthly Ad Reports
  • Bi-Monthly Meeting
  • Add Ons Available
  • 6-Mth Commitment


  • 1 Campaign
  • 1 Platform
  • Discovery Meeting
  • Set Expectations
  • Determine Platform
  • Discuss Ad Options
  • One Visual With Text
  • Create Audience
  • Campaign Cadence
  • Monthly Ad Reports
  • Add-Ons Available
  • 3-Mth Commitment

Let’s Talk
Social Ads


With Studio490, embark on a social advertising journey that not only increases your brand’s visibility but also resonates deeply with your audience. Our tailored strategies are designed to align with your business objectives and drive impactful results.

Contact us to begin transforming your social media presence into a dynamic and effective tool for growth and engagement. Let’s collaborate and elevate your brand to new heights in the digital landscape.