Section 1: The Client

Client: Uncommen

Uncommen is a Men’s Ministry that encourages men to be the Husband, Dad, and Leader they were always meant to be. They provide consistent content to individuals, members, and charters through a large complex email campaign.

Section 2: Their Challenge

What issue, challenge, or pain point did the client want you to address?

Uncommen was started in 2012 as an App focused ministry. After spending several years trying to develop an app to reach its audience Studio490 was approached to help them take the next step in growth.

Why did they have this problem?

They wanted to find a way to level off their expenses while growing the ministry. 

Was this a new problem or a pre-existing one? 

It was a problem the Uncommen team created for themselves during the development process. 

Was it a result of market forces or changes within the industry?

The cost of custom app development can be costly and have an on-going impact. 

What were your client’s expected outcomes from working with a vendor to solve their stated problem?

They were looking to move into a direction that would grow the ministry and remove the app’s overhead. 

Why did they engage your organization to help?

Studio490 was used to brand the app and create the mascot for Uncommen. They like the way we worked and so after removing all other vendors, asked for us to take the lead to help drive the ministry into a new direction.

Section 3: The Studio490 Solution

How did you approach the challenge?

We looked at their current position, its performance related to the cost of the app itself, and chose to change the direction of the Ministry from an app to a movement/cause.

How was your client involved in this stage?

Once they asked us to step in and help direct the ministry’s next stage, they were open to our suggestions. 

How long did it take to plan/design/develop your solution? 

We stepped into the leadership role in the middle of 2016. It took us 90 days to pivot the ministry to the new vision, and it has been on-going since.

How long did it take to implement?

The adjustments required 90 days but have been an ongoing effort since 2016 to ensure the long-term strategies are effective. 

What was the solution?

We implemented a multi-pronged solution that has since taken the ministry international. 


  • Redesigned the blog to funnel traffic to sign-up for the newsletter and take part in our Membership and Charter Programs
  • Created a Charter Program that puts small groups of Uncommen in over 30 locations across four countries. This allows us to impact men around the world and creates a stream of revenue for the ministry.
  • Created a Membership Program that provides exclusive content and creates a stream of revenue for the ministry. We have 300+ members as of 7/15/2020, and it’s growing.
  • Grew email list from 8k to 18k (scrubbing monthly)
  • Tripled sales and Doubled donations
  • Develop devotional content monthly (over 45+)
  • Created consistent UNCOMMEN Originals for
    Membership program

Section 4: Results

Did your solution solve the client’s stated problem or accomplish their objective(s)?

Yes! Our changes have lead to a 300% growth in sales, 200% growth in donations, two new revenue streams, and an international impact.

What benefits did your client see because of your work immediately?

They stopped spending money on a poor performing strategy and saw international growth that didn’t seem possible.

What benefits should your client see because of your work overtime?

Our clients should see increased reach, streamlined communication, and a strategic approach to creative ideas.

Finally, would your client agree that you solved their problem or helped them achieve their intended goal?

Yes! Based upon the length of the relationship, testimonials, and growth of their organization, Studio490 addressed their goals. 

“Working with Studio490 has been a quality experience for everyone involved. We’ve been able to entirely craft the Uncommen Brand, including our mascot Jack, through their creative wisdom. Studio490 is reliable and trustworthy in all facets. Always willing to meet and talk through a certain project. Their experience allows them to know what path we should venture towards. Whether it’s through our custom website, social media, or our overall brand, I can safely know that we’re receiving value and quality all in the same exact package.”

Greg Cash | Board of Director, Uncommen