Building a Business That Lasts

Building a Business That Lasts

Building a Business That Lasts It started in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and literally blew my family and me out of town. We landed in Chandler, AZ (30 min south of Phoenix), and we began rebuilding our life over again. During the next 18 months, I was...
Taking advantage of Google Display Ads

Taking advantage of Google Display Ads

Taking Advantage of Google Display Ads So you may have heard of Google Search Ads when pay-per-click (PPC) is mentioned, but you may not have heard much about Display Ads. However, you may have heard of the Google Display Network (GDN), which is the same. Where Google...
What Social Media is and what it’s not

What Social Media is and what it’s not

What Social Media Is and What It’s Not New week, new platform feature, change, or just a new platform (I see you TikTok) for you and your team to learn, adjust and use. So, where do we start? That is a loaded question as we would need to discuss your goals,...
How to Develop SEO Content

How to Develop SEO Content

How to Develop SEO Content for the Top of the Funnel There are several essential pillars of SEO—Technical, community-building, and content creation. Each is vital to your organic search traffic. With great content and a slow website, you’ll find little success....